
San Gil, at the pre-Columbine times, was inhabited by native indigenous societies named Los Guanes. They were indomitable and industrious people. Their principal source of income was agriculture, their main products were corn, yucca, potato, tobacco, and cotton. Men did the fishery and the hunting. Spaniards conquered their lands in 1540; unfortunately, they destroyed everything and killed that whole society. 
The town itself was officially founded on March 17th, 1689 by Don Gil Cabrera y Dávalos and Leonardo Correa de Betancur. Its name was "Villa de Santa Cruz y San Gil de la Nueva Baeza" and it was the cradle of some of the independence precursors. 
Since the beginning, it has been a religious town, having as its main architectural example the "De la Santa Cruz" Cathedral which is located in front of "La Libertad Park".
In 2004, San Gil was named The Touristic Capital of the region. The area offers several outdoor activities (grade 1-5) as rafting , kayaking, hiking, and caving. Local companies offer rafting packages through various rivers depending on skill levels. “El Parque el Gallineral” is a popular park as sightseeing destination. 

Main historical facts in San Gil

San Gil has great economic and political influence in the municipalities that surround it. This fact has triggered the concentration of main economic activities in the region. The economic sector of San Gil is based on trading, farming, tourism, and microenterprise activity.

Historically the development of the economy that characterizes San Gil today began in 1904. At that year, San Gil had promising farm fields and there were numerous workshops, thus it was a place which offered many sources of employment and had an economic situation quite acceptable.

In 1907 the first bank, which was called "Banco San Gil", was founded with the purpose of providing support to the economic activity in the city. It opened in May 18, 1907 and existed until 1943, when it fused with the Commercial Bank Antioquia. At the same time, different educational institutes were established: the Normal School, Nocturnal Schools, the Presentation School, and the Guanentá School was consolidated.

In 1920, the company of Mercado Cubierto of San Gil was created; the Central Eléctrica la Cascada was built in Curití in 1923, and from there we can mention an infinite number of works and undertakings that marked the development of the city, the road that links with the municipality of El Socorro and San Gil- Charalá was inaugurated in 1929. The construction of the San Gil - Bucaramanga road was in 1938. The branch of the Banco de Colombia was founded; it was the second bank in San Gil. Then, another Central Eléctrica is built on the Fonce river in 1939.

In 1940 came the first Radio Difusora. In 1942 The Water Company- Acuasur- was purchased. In the industrial sector, the tobbaco Company stands in 1943. The Consorcio Industrial de Santander " Hilanderías del Fonce " was created in the same year. The theatre and the airport were built in 1948. In 1950 the Cementos Hércules Company was created, in 1952 the Caja de Crédito Industrial y Minero was inaugurated, in 1953 the Telefónica company built, new roads were created, laws of industry protection, the Berlinas del Fonce company created in 1954, the Bella Isla Hotel built in 1954 and sold to Bella Isla investments, then a branch of Banco Popular came in 1958. In the 60s the Gaseosa Hipinto and Café Baeza companies were created. In 1961 and 1966 the Industrias Fimar was built.

In the last 20 years there have been a significant recovery of the city, the building of new schools, clubs, swimming pools, bars, stores, and businesses move the finances largely. The tourism sector deserves attention mainly because it is projected as one of the most important potential. The strategic location of San Gil, the numerous economic and historical attractions, good road conditions, weather, natural beauty of the entire surrounding, the peace and tranquility that exists in the area, are the main resources available to the region to promote tourism.

For the future, the town of San Gil has established itself as a core of development for the region given its road infrastructure, its proximity to Bucaramanga and Bogotá and because of it, San Gil has been consolidated as the tourist city of Santander thanks to the adventure sports, its proximity to the Chicamocha National Park and the town of Barichara.
Taken and adapted from javeriana.edu.co/biblos/tesis/economia

Can you imagine how was the first aqueduct in san gil and how was it built?
This information was taken from the book: Presencia de un pueblo By Rito Rueda

324 years ago, with green materials when there were no tubes or hoses. According to ancient documents san gil built it in 1694. And although water down the winding geography, from the gorges from the upper to the lower part of the town was not easy, the ingenious people of San Gil implemented palm channels, which were uniting to small sections until to the square, where they stored water in a stack of stone.
They came to pick everyone for free, but the most common were to see guys taking the water to one or more donkeys and barrels. Lifetimes were quieter, but no less imaginative.
A funny thing happened two years later in 1696 as palm channels were removed in some places and in others filled with mud viscosity, which prevented the water from reaching the stack. It was when then mayor, Manuel Melendez, was the first who took the town, summoned the people to clean the gutters and repair the damage, which was achieved as it was fined for not collaborate.
This shows that San Gil has never lacked water, not only because there is abundant in streams and rivers but also because it has been a major concern of authorities and residents at all times. This aqueduct served more than 200 years. On February 20th, 1893 it was organized the first company of local investors aqueduct like Domingo Otero Silva who built a bigger and emblematic stack and channels refined which divided the liquid to jail and Guanenta school located in the current mayoral and 12th Street house with stroke 10.
The modern aqueduct dating back to 1942, when it bought the municipality. in 1950 it passed into the hands of the department with the name of Acuasur, in 1975 and 1991 called Acuasan Emposan, which since 2011 has two treatment plants.

The current aqueduct has 71 years. The first local investment was 120 years ago.  


Taken from  the data base of the projet "Catedra Sangileña"
It started with the idea of a group of busness people who saw the necesity of a place where the sangileños could do the shopping. On June 15th of 1920, tthe mentioned group supported in the first Notary Public that place with the name of "Compañia de Mercado Cubierto de San Gil".

Now, it is a big building which takes up two block, and it is called "La Plaza de Mercado". It opens every single dayand you can find fruit and vegetables.

Traditionally, people go to do the shopping there on Saturdays because that day farmers arrive with their products. 


The Colegio San José de Guanentá has its origins in the school of first letters of San Gil which began its work in September 4, 1787. It started when the council requested the creation of a grammar lecturing in 1785, which was recommended by the magistrate of Tunja.
In the year 1824, General Francisco de Paula Santander determined that the school in the province of Socorro was established in San Gil. Then, it was named "Colegio San José de Guanentá ". San José because of the saints protectors that had been assigned to the school of first letters and Guanentá under the name of the region where it would be located.
After the foundation in 1824, the Colegio San José de Guanentá used the money of their own, those of the chaplaincies and voluntary donations, the income from rents of the convent suppressed in Velez to cover its expenses. In addition, each student had to pay sixty-four Colombian pesos ($ 64) for the school year.
It is believed that the school started in the southeast corner of the main square (the Parque la Libertad today) on a lot that had been donated by Mrs. María de los Reyes. According to these statements, the lot would be the one where the Casa de la Cultura is currently located. However, other historians assert that this lot would be located on the Carrera 10 between Calles 12 and 13, a place where there is great commercial activity nowadays.
In 1824, when the school was established, there was an internal system which we believe refers to the rules or requirements to access this institution. In this respect, a suit, which was defined according to the characteristics of the climate and local circumstances, could be used by students. This let us think about the first time when the idea of ​​uniforms started to be implemented.
The first rectors:
·         1824–1826   FRANCISCO JOSÉ OTERO
·         1827–1828   FRAY JAVIER MARTÍNEZ
·         1829–1830   INOCENCIO VARGAS

And throughout history other eminent personalities, who left a mark and progress to the institution, have gone through this position.


In 1956, the priest Ardila Roberto Quijano, who was in charge of the cathedral, sees the need to establish an educational institution for training low-income children. Having the support of the mayor, Mr Benjamin Diaz Ardila , Alberto Rueda Amorocho, and the general vicar of the Diocese of Socorro and San Gil, Monsignor José Miguel Pinto Gomez, attended the community of the Hermanas de la Caridad Dominicas de la Presentación to carry out this mission .
That was how in January 25, 1957, came the community represented by the sisters Julia Teresa as the principal, Elena de la Inmaculada as the secretary, Ligia de la Presentación as the principal of the Escuela Anexa, Elena del Salvador as a teacher and Edelmira Mary as the bursar.
The official registration was held on January 26 of that year, and the schoolwork started in February 18 with three hundred students divided into two groups of high school and fifth grade in a house located in the carrera 10 # 11-43.
Its initial goal was to train students to be teachers due to the fact that there were not enough. In 1970, the diurnal academic high school was established in reply to the request of parents, and the nocturnal mixed high in 1971 having as coordinator the Sister Clara Inés Rodríguez.
Given the risk that offered the building, the construction of the new building began on a lot purchased by the parents association. Students and teachers moved there in August 1983. In 1995 the regional workshops about the General Law of Education 115 Art. 216 of December 31, 1994, which is about the restructuration of the Normal schools, were conducted. After that, the institution was not restructured, so there was the need of changing the company’s name through a democratic process. The name Colegio Técnico Nuestra Señora de la Presentación was chosen.
Taken from coltecnusepresangil.edu.co

During the twentieth century, large-scale industrial production achieves its peak in the 50s and late 70s. By that time already existed in Colombia three sacks factories and sisal rope: The Compañía de Empaques in Medellín, Empaques y Textiles del Atlántico in Barranquilla, Hilanderías del Fonce in Santander with plants in Bucaramanga and San Gil, and Empaques del Cauca in Popayán, industrial companies that processed 33,731 tons of sisal, about 89 % of total production in the country.
In the department of Santander, the first process of sisal industrialization were applied in the municipality of San Gil in the 40s. For this purpose, very rudimentary appliances were used. Form this experience the first company aroused and was named CONSORCIO INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER.
Later, around August 1958, a group of investors from Santander acquired the company and changed its name to HILANDERIAS DEL FONCE SA with a base in San Gil and a plant in Bucaramanga dedicated to the production of sisal twine and sacks.
It is emphasized that the raw materials for manufacturing processes of different sisal products used by the company HILANDERIAS OF FONCE SA were obtained, until a few years, from crops in Santander and Boyacá. However, due to the crop diversification processes, product shortages and a loss of its importance was recorded in these areas. This situation forced the company to turn to suppliers from the departments of Cauca and Nariño.
In recent years, due to the sisal crisis and the constant problems of administrative order, the company HILANDERIAS OF FONCE SA completed its work in San Gil. This situation led employees and workers to meet, and with a capital contribution, they created a cooperative under the name of "COOHILADOS DEL FONCE LTDA" which has its main base in San Gil.
Also, in 1995, the Empresa Cooperativa de Fibras Naturales de Santander Limitada –ECOFIBRAS LTDA was founded in order to diversify the use of sisal fiber and provide sustainable management to crops.
Throughout the years of existence of this company, several production lines and multipurpose fabrics have been developed, combining rough sisal fiber with cotton and textile.

Taken from www.banrep.gov.co


It has its offices and warehuses of regulation and distribution of coffe harvest in the region. It gives grants to farmers and exporter of San Gil.


It is a branch of the bank stablished here since 1983. It provides the services that this bank gives people to improve their finances. 


It is another branch stablished in San Gil since 1954. It provides services as savings bank accounts to the sangileños.


It started in San Gil as a branch of this bank, with the name of "Caja de Crédito Indutrial y Minero". It provides grants to farmers, cattle breeders, and factory workers in an equal way. It used to sell low-priced agricultural products.  



The color blue symbolizes the river that waters its geography, the green means the rich agriculture of the region and the red represents the blood of its martyrs.


It has a green cross on a red field, leaving the heart of a pomegranate, decorating the shield with eight blades of San Andres, which includes the name of the village, the realm where it is based on, and the town weapons which take its name.

It was written for Rito Rueda, who wrote something like a poem. Rueda started to look for someone to play that verses, someone to take that poem in music.
He found Gino Aronna, Arona was a known musician of San Gil, they two present the anthem to the council, the council accepted that proposal. It was sang for a school choir. 

Fuiste Villa de regios blasones
con escudos de hidalga heredad;
tus héroes legaron sus corazones
a la historia y la patria inmortal.
Eres perla bruñida del Fonce
comunero pendòn de Galàn
como el grito que trocara en bronce
Guanentà con indòmito afàn.
Te conocen por noble y leal
y orgullosa de tu estirpe realeza
por el torrentoso rio, el Gallineral
y tu ancestro de la gran Baeza.
Cuando a la patria convocò un clarìn
para ofrendarle vida, sangre y dolor
allì estuvieron Antonia, Alcantuz, Molina y Fermìn
los primeros en la lid del honor.
Alzad juventudes las banderas y voces
invocando a la vieja ciudad
que el altar tutelar de tus dioses
custodiando aquí está tu heredad.
Were Village royal crests
with shields of noble heritage;
your heroes bequeathed their hearts
to history and homeland immortal.
You polished pearl of Fonce
Pendon commoner heartthrob
like the cry To fetch bronze
Guanentá with indomitable zeal.
I know noble and loyal
and proud of your royal lineage
by the river, the Gallineral
and your ancestor of the great Baeza.
When the country convened a bugle
to make offerings life, blood and pain
There were Antonia, Alcantuz, Molina and Fermin
the first in battle of honor.
Lift up the flags and voices youth
invoking the old city
that the altar protect your gods
guarding here is your inheritance.


Lorenzo Alcantuz was popular leader who participated in the insurrection of the Comuneros, which was a social movement emerged in the colonial era. He was born in 1741 in the city of Sogamoso, Boyacá and died in Bogotá in 1782. The Comunera Revolution of 1781 is considered the most important event in history which activated the national independence of the July 20 in 1810, which eliminated the Spanish government in New Granada for over three centuries. The leaders of the Revolution of the Comuneros of Socorro were peasants Relief José Antonio Galán and Lorenzo Alcantuz. The insurrection was triggered by violent riots in Simacota, Mogotes, Barichara and Curití in December 1780. San Gil quickly joins the protests and that is when Alcantuz performs a symbolic revolutionary act by breaking the royal rules and the symbols of Spanish power. The courageous action of the comunero sogamoseño was cruelly punished by the Royal Court, as well as their other comrades, Galán, Juan Manuel Isidro Molina and Jose Ortiz. They were hanged in Santa Fe on February 1782. They were beheaded, their bodies divided into four parts and were burned at the stake. The head of Lorenzo Alcantuz was exhibited later in San Gil. The national memory is remembered as martyr and one of the first heroes of independence.

Taken from the online library Luis Angel Arango.


Lawer and politician. He was born in 1786 and died in 1854 in Cundinamarca.He was named as a memeber of the "La Mision Conferida" by the Junta Provincial del Socorro wwith Miguel Tadeo Gomez and Alberto Monero to buy guns in order to secure the independency. He was a memeber of the Senate. Simon Bolivar named him as the governor in Socorro in 1819. He also was a senator and Minister of Finance.


He was Don Diego Fernando's brother, died early as Dr. Horacio Rodiguez Plata said:
"Despite his early death, leaving a worthy illustrious heroe's name to consecrates history".
Don Miguel was a lawyer, he was named as "Oficial Mayor del Ramo de Cruzada" in Popayan. After that he was transfered to Socorro as the "Administrador Principal de la renta de Aguardientes.

Taken from: http://www.colarte.com/colarte/foto.asp?idfoto=175583

He was born in 1946 in Onzaga - Santander and he died in 1987 in San Gil - Santander. He was a painter. He started his profesional job in 1973. His primitive works called up the life of  people in Santander into reality and fantasy environment


1974 - Galena 70. Marlene Hoffmann, Bogotá. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Bogotá. Galería 70. Marlene Hoffmann, Bogotá.
1975 - Galería 70. Marlene Hoffmann, Bogotá. Museo Nacional, Bogotá.
Galería Point-Show, París.
1976 - Galería 70, Marlene Hoffmann, Bogotá. "Lo mejor del Naive", Galería 70, Bogotá. Galería Guggenheim, Washington, D.C.
1977 - Salón XX Banco de Colombia, Bogotá. Sala Slieraton, Buenos Aires.
1978 - Galería Arte, Bucaramanga. Galería "El Charco", Cali.
"Varios Artistas Colombianos", Hamburgo.
1979 - Galería "El Charco", Cali. Edificio Naciones Unidas, New York.
(RIVERO, Mario. Catálogo de Luis Roncancio: "Testimonio de lo ingenuo”.


Naturalist and economist. He was educated in Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario of Santafe beetwen 1776 and 1780. In 1784 he became a very apreciated disciple of Jose Celestino Mutis in his botanical expedition. He was born in San Gil, on July 3th of 1762.

His prominent intelligence allowed him to grow up in several disciplines. Vargas is generally considered the first political economist in the Nueva Granada of his time. As Antonio Nariño´s partner and friend, he was taken as an agitator of the subversive actions of this one, and even more dangerous because of his brighter intellectual light and greater knowledge.


He was born in San Gil in March 3th of 1962. In his hometown he did the basic studies of primary and secondary school. His information process for the priesthood kept it in first place in the Seminary Conciliar San Carlos de la diócesis of Socorro and San Gil, where he frequented the philosophy courses, then he did his teologic studies in the Seminary Arquidiocesano of Bucaramanga. 


Taken from: http://foronovelaunidosporunbalon.blogspot.com/2010/06/capitulo-xii-final-segunda-parte.html
He was born in July 11th of 1969 in San Gil. He is a colombian actor and photographer.
He has worked in theater and outstanding television programs such as "Yo soy Betty la fea" (This soup opera brought him to light by his performance), "Laura", "La hipocondriaca", "Amo de casa", "Las detectivas y el Victor", "En los tacones de Eva", among others.

Jorge Luis Pinto Afanador (San Gil, Santander, December 16th, 1952) is a Colombian football coach. He is the brother of Senator Yolanda Pinto de Gaviria. In 2011 he became manager of Costa Rica and in September 10th 2013 qualified for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Costa Rica ended in second place in the CONCACAF World Cup qualification with a tie to a goal versus the Selection of Jamaica in Kingston, Jamaica. His team eventually lost on penalties to the Netherlands in the Quarter Finals, after a goalless draw.
Pinto managed several teams in Colombia, including Santa Fe and Union Magdalena on two occasions, before joining Club Alianza Lima (Peru) in 1997. He coached the selection of Costa Rica and Colombia in international matches.

Jorge Luis Pinto currently resides in San José, Costa Rica with his wife.

Taken form: http://www.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/deportes/edwards-jim%C3%A9nez-no-renov%C3%B3-con-el-real-cartagena-y-suena-para-el-am%C3%A9rica
He was born on July 14th, 1981, in San Gil, Santander, Colombia.
He is a footballer and his nickname is “El torito de San Gil”. He plays as a second striker.
Currently, he is playing in the “Boyaca Chico". In 2016, he scored his 100th goal. 

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